Shiva is a young boy who lives with his grandparents in a fictional city named Vedas in India. He is a child superhero with supernatural powers. Shiva got the Jetpack and flying like Bullet Boy. Just tap & aim precisely to help Shiva to get to the next cannon. Avoid moving objects and weird machines and tap precisely to dodge fast-moving obstacles.
Shiva Jetpack Hero 2, game just elude your superhero Shiva out of moving obstacles like Bullet Boy & cannon to become Jetpack Hero. Shiva Jetpack Hero 2 game, is a fast paced arcade cannon game with 3D animation with cool graphics and best arcade game for kids.
Shiva cartoon is airing on Nickelodeon Sonic and Nick HD+ and we are licensee of Shiva cartoon character to develop and publish games. This is a copyright of ©2021 Viacom18 Media Pvt Ltd Mumbai.